She really listened to us
We met Eline at the VT Woonbeurs, where she sketched out our living room for the first time. Her enthusiasm and positive energy were incredibly infectious. It was immediately clear to us: we wanted to make our house a home with her. Throughout the entire process, her energy stood out: vibrant, warm, and positive. She truly took the time to understand us through conversations and Feng Shui, enabling us to make the right choices. The photos speak for themselves! Eline, thank you so much!
– Math and Marieke
We knew right away: she’s the one with whom we want to transform our house into a home

Not only was it fascinating to read my own blueprint, but it was also remarkably accurate!
Through the professional association for stylists, BNS Crisp, I met Eline. As she applies Feng Shui in interior design, my interest in her approach was heightened. We quickly arranged a meeting for an introduction to this practice. It was incredibly intriguing.
Afterward, she conducted a BaZi calculation for me. Not only was it fascinating to read my own blueprint, but it was also remarkably accurate! For instance, she ‘predicted’ that I would find a new job in the fall of 2020. And that actually happened. Amazing! The pleasant interaction with Eline has motivated me to engage her services as a Feng Shui specialist when my clients are open to it or inquire about it.
– Patricia Frieman
As Lebowski would say “it really ties our room together”
Eline redesigned our living room to our utmost satisfaction. It was not an easy task at all, but she was really committed to provide us with the best possible solution. The result required a new fantastic fireplace that is viewed by everybody as a beautiful and functional asset to our room. As Lebowski would say “it really ties our room together”. Highly recommended (and not only for Feng shui supporters, we are not supporters perse).
– Leon van Baal

Eline’s ability to inspire trust, matched with her professionalism, considerate nature and excellent listening skills have been invaluable to our sessions. The attention and energy she puts in her space along with her non-intrusive yet very engaging approach have allowed me to explore different angles and fulfill my objectives.
– Sofia Liasi

Eline was very helpful to me at a time when I needed perspective and space to think. Her strong professional manner and insights are gently packaged and presented, and I found the time spent allowing her therapies to engage both healing and energizing.
– James Gardner